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Personal Overview

We apply interdisciplinary research with many partners to advance the sustainable management of marine habitats and coastal lands.  Much work focuses on a) the biophysical connectivity of snappers and associated families of coastal fishes, b) the use of traditional knowledge to advance management decisions, and c) applied climate adaptation at local and regional scales.  Geographic foci include the Southeast US, the Northwest Caribbean, and Indo-Pacific work with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.  

Publications with many partners in over 25 science, policy, or law journals; four books; fifteen chapters in other books; and agency and non-profit reports; >80 total.  Co-chair the IUCN's Snapper, Seabream & Grunt Specialist Group on >560 species of reef and estuarine fishes.  Co-management of >30 local, regional, national, and international conservation projects in the U.S. and ten Latin American and Caribbean countries.  Co-developed >5 habitat and fishery conservation laws, >10 marine protected areas, and varied coastal climate adaptation initiatives with partners.  Extinction risk assessments for 90 species of coastal marine fishes co-authored on the IUCN Red List.  

From 2011-2024, the Florida Tech Sustainability Program has graduated over 190 young scholars with the Bachelor of Science in Sustainability Studies or the Sustainability Minor (graduates from 30 majors from all colleges).  Senior research projects in sustainability aid diverse advances on the Florida Tech campus.  Off-campus, dozens of student internships aid advances in local governments, non-profits, schools, and businesses. 

Instructor for 15 university courses in three colleges at Florida Tech.  Dept. of Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences Faculty Excellence in Teaching, 2022.  University Excellence in Service, Andrew Revay Jr. Award, 2017.  Advisory panels and boards below.  Up to 2020 we contributed to the Coastal Climate Adaptation Library, with >2700 documents from 90 regions around the globe including >100 documents on Communicating Climate Change.   

Books co-authored/co-edited

  • Islands in the Sand:  Ecology and Management of Nearshore Hardbottom Reefs of East Florida. 2020. Springer Press.
  • Sustainable Urban Futures, 2016.  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Scientific Publishers
  • Living with Florida's Atlantic Beaches. 2004.  Duke University Press.  
  • Ecology of the Marine Fishes of Cuba. 2001.  Smithsonian Institution Press.