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Academic Probation And Dismissal For Master's And Specialist Degree Students

Effective Date:  Spring Term 2020-2021 Academic Year

Last Review Date: October 27,2022

(Graduate Policy 1.11)

All graduate students must demonstrate continual academic proficiency in course work. As described in graduate policy “Cumulative GPA,” the cumulative grade point average (CPGA) shown in all computer records and transcripts will be based on all graduate-numbered courses taken at Florida Tech. A graduate student with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) below 3.0 must show reasonable progress toward this standard required for graduation.

Academic Warning, Probation And Dismissal

(Formerly Graduate Policies 1.11.1-1.11.3)

Students who are not in academic good standing will usually be returned to academic good standing when a minimum 3.0 CGPA is attained.

Once a student is no longer in academic good standing, failure to meet the required minimum 3.0 term GPA will change the student’s academic standing sequentially through the steps delineated below. Students’ transcripts will be annotated at the end of each term. Students and their academic unit will be informed about the student's academic standing in writing at the end of any term when the CGPA is below 3.0.

In addition, any of the following conditions will result in immediate academic dismissal:  

  • A cumulative GPA less than 2.0 at any time. 
  • Two or more grades of U in any courses taken as a graduate student.
  • Judgment by the Graduate Council that the student is not making satisfactory academic progress, or that the academic efforts of other students are hampered by his or her presence.

Academic Warning: When the student began the term in academic good standing but did not maintain the minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA required.

Academic Probation: When the student began the term in academic warning but did not achieve the minimum 3.0 term GPA or a minimum 2.0 cumulative required.

Academic Dismissal: When the student began the term on probation but did not achieve the minimum 3.0 term GPA required. Dismissal will also result any time a graduate student earns a cumulative GPA less than 2.0, or two or more grades of U in courses taken as a graduate student.

Appeals For Reinstatement

Academic dismissals may be appealed for educationally sound reasons in writing and as instructed in the dismissal letter. Appellants must present relevant information. The academic unit head writes a recommendation to reinstate or deny reinstatement and forwards the appeal and recommendation to the dean of the appellant's college for a decision. Appellants will not be permitted to register for or attend classes until after a favorable decision about the appeal has been made.

Appeals From Reinstatement Denials

(Graduate Policy 1.11.4)

A denial of the request for reinstatement will usually be considered final. Students who have additional, different or new circumstances may contact their academic unit head.  A re-appeal will only be considered on the basis of new information not previously submitted by the student. The student will not be permitted to register for or attend class until a final decision on any re-appeal has been reached. 


(Graduate Policy 1.11.5)

Reinstated students will be so notified in writing and will be placed on probation. Their transcripts will be so annotated. Failure to meet reinstatement conditions will result in another dismissal.

Appeals From Second And Subsequent Dismissals

(Graduate Policy 1.11.7)

Appeals for reinstatement from a second or subsequent dismissal may only be submitted on the approval of the student's academic advisor and the academic unit head. If not approved, the student has the right to appeal after one calendar year from the end of the last full semester attended.